The two sides of programming languages

Some people ask for programming languages worth learning. I think almost all common languages worth a try, but I personally prefer two sides of programming languages. You can imagine that there exists a balance whose left side represents machine and right represents abstraction.

The Abstraction side

The abstraction side is the lost side in computer science classes. To be precise, the abstraction is mainly about Programming Language Theory(PLT) and Math.

I still remember how enjoyful I was when I first the book SICP. It uses Scheme the language to show you how programs are constructed from ground. But Scheme lacks the world of static typing. Haskell uses a different way to express types and side-effects. It also introduce Category theory into programming, especially for Monads and Functors. You can even learn more computaional models with more powerful typing system. The Haskell's way of programming can lead you to the world of dependent types where types can depend on values. I like the way Lean4 uses to construct math proof and provide higher-level categorical structures.

The Machine side

The machine side is the traditional side which almost all CS lessons focus on. I think this side is so famous that you must known better than me. Personally, I love C and Rust with some assembly codes.


The Rust language puts two sides together! I love it so much.