Polymorphism in Rust

Every language has polymorphism functions. Some utilize dynamic interfaces, some invent generics and typeclass to overload behavories.

Rust has both.

In Rust, we have type parameters and traits. Rust really prefer generics over existential types. If one want to be Debug, just "generic" it:

fn main() {
fn use_debug<A: fmt::Debug>(a: A);

We also have associated types, where clauses, impl types, etc. These all lift our type to polymorphism. However, there still exists two kinds of polymorphism which are somewhat hard to achieve in Rust now.

Effect polymorphism

It's somewhat hard to explain what effect is because side-effects is nearly everywhere and we can't live without it! Effects are everything except for function input/output. Think about errors, asynchrony, uncertainty. Think about it and try to guess what they correspond to in out daily programming.

Yes, they are Result<_>, Future<Output=_> and various kinds of containers. Now suppose you want to write some fn which performs some unknown effect:

fn main() {
fn func<F>(x: i32) -> F<i32>;

Congratulations! we discovers Higher-Kinded Types(HKT). But you may also have noticed that this is not enough since Future is a trait and we have no way of abstract traits. Apparently Rust does not like Monads. In Rust, abstracting effects is really really hard right now. If you want to write one API for both sync and async codes, I just suggest you to write two separate traits.

Ownership polymorphism

Another one is ownership, which is also ubiquitous in Rust. Suppose you want write some AST like:

fn main() {
enum Expr {
    Call { f: Expr, args: Vec<Expr> },
    Lambda { args: Vec<Expr>, body: Expr }

Apparently this does not compile since Expr is not Sized. We have to add some ownership for every recurrent position. For example:

fn main() {
enum Expr {
    Call { f: Box<Expr>, /*..*/ }

However, Box has exclusive ownership, what about Rc or even Arc? You can just abstract the whole recurrent type as:

fn main() {
enum Expr<This> {
    Call { f: This, args: Vec<This> }

type Exprs = Expr<Rc<Expr<???>>>

Expr is a fixpoint! This way we now have infinite type.

How about just abstract HKT?

fn main() {
pub trait Kind {
    type F<T>;

enum Expr<K: Kind> {
    Call { f: K::F<Self>, args: Vec<K::F<Self>> },

HKTs are really useful on abstracting * -> * types!

I believe in the future, we can have effect polymorphism with Coroutine one-shot algebraic effects and ownership polymorphism with GAT and impl type alias.